Lakeport Indoor Go Karts 2021/2022
250 Rules
All changes are highlighted in red.
*All points divisions are allowed two sub drivers for the 2020/2021 season. If you are a substitute driver, you may only sub two (2) times, total. All subs must notify the tower and be approved by score keepers. Open drivers may not sub for 250 drivers. 250 drivers may not sub for Box drivers. Box drivers may not substitute for Beginners. In order to be a substitute, you must meet the age requirement of that class and be approved by the promoter. Failure to adhere to these requirements shall result in not being scored and removal from the track. (Any and all partial substitutes will require approval by the promoter prior to the event/race date).
* 250 class, 10-18 years old. Drivers must be approved by the Promoter.
* A minor release form must be filled out each season.
* If a Parent or Guardian is not present at a race event, a designated Guardian is mandatory.
* Minor must be accompanied by an adult at all times when in the pit area.
* Parent or guardian is responsible for the actions of their minor child.
* An operational Race-ciever is mandatory for all Drivers so they may receive direction
from Officials when on the track.
* 250cc 4 Stroke Engine. No overbore. Must measure 250cc. No Big Bore Kits.
* 250cc 2 Stroke Engine is allowed. Must remain stock for year and model. Maximum circumference on expansion chamber will be held to 14.5” or under.
* No Port Angle changes. No welding of/in Ports.
* No Stroker Crankshafts.
* Open tire rule
* 390 lbs., Kart & Driver.
Fuel Specs:
* 110 Octane Race Gas only in this class.
* Fuel must be purchased at the track.
* No E 85, Oxygenates, Fuel Enhancers or Additives of any type.
* 2 stroke lubrication oil OK. Must not contain any Fuel Performance Enhancers.
* No Blending of Fuel Products in any way.
* Fuel is a Tech item & may be tested at anytime during competition